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Damon color

I all but grew up in my dad's garage. A builder himself, he made sure (whether I really wanted to or not) that I knew how to fix a sink, weld, and install a door by the time I was 12.

Still, I took a different path early on. I worked as a writer and designer in San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles before putting my roots down in the construction industry in Southern California.

Now, based in Culver City with my wife and two children, Handcrafted Construction is my everyday passion, and ever-growing proof that when you take good care of people, they tend to return the favor.

- Damon, Owner and President

I started construction with my dad at the age of 18, actively learning and doing every single trade. Learning hands-on has been really beneficial for my career, as I now lead and instruct others. By 23 I was managing 50M+ budget projects.

Construction is a phenomenal industry to be in. There are new and unique opportunities and challenges each day, which lead me to have to innovate to acheave my goals.

I am happy to be a part of the HC team because Damon brings an obvious energy and passion to build all these homes, and at HC we develop such unique and persoan relationships with our clients. The team motivates me to do my best.

- Luis, Senior Project Manager


My profound interest in home construction began at 16, when I designed and built a physical model of Mark Twain's house after reading "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." A couple years later I went on to study at the USC School of Architecture, working as a concrete laborer during my summers to make sure I understood the practical application of what I was learning.

When it was time to enter the industry I chose the hands-on challenge of executing these designs over the more removed design industry, and found what I was looking for in a residential construction company that minds architectural quality and detail. There is no place I would rather be than Handcrafted, where I learn and grow every day with a great team behind me.

- Alejandro, Project Manager

BW Kathy

After starting in the graphic design field, where I worked on national brand campaigns and with many different kinds of people and vendors, I quit to start my own furniture business when my son was born in 2000. 

While designing products for MaxBaby Furniture, I found that I also had an interest in, and knack for, marketing, finance and operations. With the growth of Handcrafted Construction, I assumed the reins as COO. I'm happy to be a part of our growing family.

- Kathy, Chief Operating Officer

BW Mel

I'm a native Californian (originally from Santa Rosa) and proud mother of two. I joined the Handcrafted Construction family as our Office Manager in 2015. How time flies! 

After college and prior to joining HCI, I worked as an HR Manager, an Operations Director, and dabbled in accessory design work for an online children's clothing line. I love being a team player on a team I love, and I enjoy being the quiet force everyone can rely on.   

- Melissa, Office Manager